spotify favs

A Spotify wrapped inspired handout capturing class favorites

role: Classroom instructor, designer

timeline: June 2023 (2 days)
project purpose: education
software: Adobe InDesign, Google Forms


To conclude the end of a textbook lesson about movie, music, and tv genres, I wanted to compile each student’s top artists, genres, and songs to create a commemorative handout and playlist for them. As this was prior to summer vacation, I wanted to provide the students with a fun custom playlist consisting of their favorite songs (as well as their classmates) as well as movie and tv show recommendations they could look into.


This project was a fun way for me to combine my passions as a designer with my love for teaching. It was fun and rewarding to see my students get excited over their class custom spotify playlists and “favorite things” handout. I hope to create more handouts and fun projects in the future for my students to enjoy.