cal poly taga journal

The Cal Poly chapter’s 2021 submission to the annual TAGA competition.
Awarded grand prize, Helmut Kipphan for best publication design


role: Design Coordinator

timeline: September 2020 - March 2021
project purpose: professional club (TAGA) submission
software: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator


The Technical Association of Graphic Arts, or TAGA for short puts on a yearly competition for student chapters around the world to compete in. Each year, Cal Poly TAGA chapter submits a technical journal that is created and produced in house by the team. As the design coordinator on the team for the 2020-2021 academic year, my role was to create an aesthetic and well designed journal that encompassed our teams theme titled “California Calling”. I selected the typefaces used, created the overall layout, illustrated, and managed my group of designers in finalizing and submitting the 168-page electronic publication.

To view the complete journal, please click the button below


Journal moodboard

Journal moodboard

cover design iterations

cover designs9.png
Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 10.13.21 AM.png
brighter one.png
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 3.43.26 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 4.11.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 4.10.25 PM.png

color palette

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 6.14.57 PM.png


Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 5.43.34 PM.png

illustration iterations (hollywood sign)

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 6.09.54 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 6.11.52 PM.png
Hollywood DAY.png
Hollywood NIGHT.png

Day and night versions were needed as each illustration in the journal creates an augmented reality (AR) experience for its viewer

layout design

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 6.29.16 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 6.29.33 PM.png


This was my first time holding an executive role for a professional club, and also my first time doing publication design. It was a bit daunting and scary to step into this new role, but I am so glad I took the risk and applied my 3rd year of college. Being a part of the Cal Poly TAGA chapters executive board was an extremely rewarding experience. I absolutely loved being the design coordinator and learned so much about publication design, and working with a remote team.