
Exploring the toxic relationship between an individual and their phone.

role: Storyboard artist, video editor, co-writer

January – March 2019
teammates: Kelsey McDonough, Chanelle Mosquera, Amanda Vasquez
project purpose: Storytelling & storyboarding course
software: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro


Composed by three other artists and myself, my team wanted to create a short animatic that individuals could resonate with. We based our story on how dependent we as a society have become on our mobile devices. Whether it be a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc. Our lives revolve around social media, messaging, Google searching, and gaming. Let's face it, we could not survive without the presence of our mobile devices. This story takes an interesting spin on this issue, but from the perspective of the phone itself.

character design

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3D modeling

Upon completing the animatic one of my teammates (Kelsey) and I decided to move forward with creating a 3D scene from the animatic. Below you will find the final 3D model and turntable of the phone that I created.

modeling the character

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This project made me realize I should never give up on my dream of going into the entertainment industry. I love telling stories and creating pieces that can truly resonate with my audience. Creating Unlocked from scratch with a group of people I barely knew was quite an experience, and I loved every bit of it. All coming from different backgrounds in either art or engineering, we came together to create Unlocked, a story about a normal individual and their phone. Since the main focus of this project was creating an original story and presenting an animatic at the end of the quarter, there is no finalized animation. However, if I had more time with my team I would want to finalize the animation in either 2D or 3D.